Girls, go make friend with a good makeup artist if you are like me, always lazy to makeup!
Monday, November 25, 2013
Make friends with makeup artist!
Sunday, November 24, 2013
上海徐汇瑞峰酒店 Rayfont Downtown Hotel Shanghai
上海徐汇瑞峰酒店 Rayfont Downtown Hotel Shanghai, 乘搭计程车来回浦东机场,一趟大约45分钟至一小时的车程。最靠近的地铁站为9号线打浦桥,走出酒店,往右转,直走大约5分钟,越过行人天桥到对面的街道就是9号线打浦桥地铁站所在地了。
地理位置来说确实很方便,酒店设施也还算完善,最不方便的就是酒店只有有线上网,房里有cable提供,但是没有wi-fi!当然你可以自行启动自家的roaming跟data,不过对于budget travel的我们来说就有点昂贵,Digi一天RM32,Maxis RM33。只好告诉自己没关系,就当作好好放松,眼睛不必再盯着电话看,电磁也不会因为各大聊天apps一直吵闹而迅速死亡,尽情享受旅行的每一刻!
酒店客服让我们选择高层或低层,我们选择了高层的,住在23楼,心想也许可以看到美丽的风景。一拉开窗帘走出阳台,一眼望去就是无数栋的白鸽笼 :D
从我们的房间望出去的白鸽楼风景 |
厕所一窥,有热水器,浴缸,毛巾,沐浴露,洗发精,牙刷均有提供 |
浴室还算是宽敞干净的 |
衣橱里有浴袍,还有保险箱提供 |
双人房 |
房间很宽阔,放了行李,鞋子乱丢还有地方走动 |
不用担心没带国际插头,房里有好多个国际插座 |
两边的床边都有国际插座 |
浴室里的吹风筒下面也有国际插座设备 |
上海徐汇瑞峰酒店外观 |
这是站在离酒店大约5分钟的行人天桥上拍的 |
在行人天桥上拍下酒店附近的景色 |
- Rayfont Hotel Xuhui
- Address: 7 Zhaojiabang Rd, Xuhui, Shanghai, China, 200032Phone:+86 21 5407 7000
- Rate: RM 140+/ night
漫步上海 walk in Shanghai
Shanghai, China
与时间拔河/ 上海徐家汇天主教堂
要成为一个专业的blogger,定时定侯post blog好像不太可能发生在自己的身上,很好奇到底blogger们的正职都是什么?
上海徐家汇天主教堂 |
教堂前面有一座小小的公园,看见白绒绒狗儿一副英姿翩翩地站在树荫下乘凉,很是可爱! |
可惜马来西亚天气太热,好想拥有这种狗噢!一副很好抱的样子! |
漫步上海 walk in Shanghai
Shanghai, China
Latte Art Workshop II
由于就只上了这么一堂课,隔了几个月后的今天也差不多把课程学到的东西忘得一干二净了。>.< 加上工作繁忙劳累,简直就好像是得了健忘症,最近什么都很难记得起,怎么办啊?
后记:有看见东与哲的晓东吗?真人也一样年轻帅气 :)
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一开始导师先讲解关于各种咖啡豆的区别与冲泡咖啡时需注意的份量 |
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导师开始实际示范如何调配一杯完美的咖啡 |
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一边品尝咖啡,一边细听解说,大家都听得津津有味,乐在其中呢! |
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课堂结束前来张大合照。哎呀,比起旁边两位瘦弱的小妮子,我好像很魁梧! :( |
后记:有看见东与哲的晓东吗?真人也一样年轻帅气 :)
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Lounge On The Park, Mandarin Oriental
Upon request for the October birthday girl, we had afternoon tea at #Lounge on the Park, Mandarin Oriental this weekend.
When we arrived, we were ushered to one of the table indoor. I then enquired the waitress if we can sit outside at the balcony to enjoy the park at KLCC. We were told that it was drizzling outside if we don't mind, but if it started to rain, we might not be able to reallocate back to the table indoor. Hence, we decided remain at where we were seated... which is closed to the pianist. (I actually like some of the songs being played)
There are Malaysia Afternoon Tea Set and English Afternoon Tea Set. We chose the English Afternoon Tea Set. Both are RM78 per set. The supervisor who assisted us on our order suggested us to take 1 set to share. Well, thank goodness for her suggestion or we won't be able to finish the pastries. On the set, there're smoke salmon sandwich, egg sandwich, tuna sandwich, plain scone, raisin scone, cheesecake, chocolate mousse, rasberry cream puff and a few other cakes. Along with the set, you may chose either coffee or tea. We decided on having Earl Grey tea.
We both find the scones are not as powdery as we like... which we know most people do not like the dry and powdery scone. Overall, the cakes are lovely.
When we arrived, we were ushered to one of the table indoor. I then enquired the waitress if we can sit outside at the balcony to enjoy the park at KLCC. We were told that it was drizzling outside if we don't mind, but if it started to rain, we might not be able to reallocate back to the table indoor. Hence, we decided remain at where we were seated... which is closed to the pianist. (I actually like some of the songs being played)
There are Malaysia Afternoon Tea Set and English Afternoon Tea Set. We chose the English Afternoon Tea Set. Both are RM78 per set. The supervisor who assisted us on our order suggested us to take 1 set to share. Well, thank goodness for her suggestion or we won't be able to finish the pastries. On the set, there're smoke salmon sandwich, egg sandwich, tuna sandwich, plain scone, raisin scone, cheesecake, chocolate mousse, rasberry cream puff and a few other cakes. Along with the set, you may chose either coffee or tea. We decided on having Earl Grey tea.
We both find the scones are not as powdery as we like... which we know most people do not like the dry and powdery scone. Overall, the cakes are lovely.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Get Over It!
Sometimes in our life, we will meet some obnoxious people... especially when you work in servicing line. Well, I wish I can tell the one I met today the below.
Friday, November 1, 2013
Kelisa the great
One of the colleagues is doing some research on cars. Comparing prices and spec to decide which car is more valuable to buy. Then here come me the former Perodua Kelisa driver missing the fun driving the small car. Turn out 4 of us who're former Kelisa owners come to conclusion that this small car is the most convenient and worth it's value car.
I remember I use to go Ikea bought my dresser, queen size bed frame, bookshelves not only in it but also deliver the item home in it.... Of course I didn't those things in one shot. But it is amazing that it can carry suck big item. Also, many times when I was frustrated to find a parking, its size come very conveniently fit some of the corners.
Then two of the four was saying just now that Kelisa is very durable too...
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